Bond Style tech now on USB sticks

If you value your privacy as much as the most famous of secret agents, this is for you. A self destructing USB stick!

It has a built in GPS tracker to help you find it if lost, and it can be accessed remotely allowing you to scramble its content. It also has a battery that charges when connected to your PC.

How cool is this, with its mobile SIM card built in, you can send the USB stick a message to block access to any sensitive documents you may have. The ultimate feature however, allows you, at the click of a button, to send a high voltage charge to the USB stick, which melts the chip and renders it useless!

All this for £25 a month as recently revealed by BBC Click. You can view the full clip here.

Although not available from us, you still can get secure encrypted USB sticks that offer you added security that prevent access from unauthorized users. So, if you work with a lot of sensitive data that you constantly move from place to place, this is an investment worth considering. Visit our high security encrypted USB section for more details.

Follow this link for stories of the biggest data loss disasters of 2012.

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